Health and Safety Policy
Health and Safety Policy
UHA University is a progressive training organisation providing mandatory training to a range of organisations. We provide a range of First Aid, health and safety, food safety, education and training, assessing qualifications through Qualifications Network.
At UHA University we are committed to providing high quality training and qualifications, and to ensuring that equality of opportunity underpins all aspects of our work.
This policy relates to our health and safety and covers all aspects of our work
Our health and safety policy statement are set out below.
Policy statement
UHA University recognises its responsibility to eliminate unnecessary risk and hazard through the course of running our business whose primary aim is to provide mandatory training courses, we shall promote a safe working and training environment at all times.
We shall ensure that all staff, students and visitors to our premises whether wholly owned, leased or hired for training courses shall be as far as is practicable, safe from first arriving on site to leaving the site.
We shall aim to achieve compliance with all local, national and European legislation through excellent occupational health and safety performance.
UHA University will provide adequate resources to implement this policy and any supporting policies.
UHA University will establish and maintain a safe and healthy working environment and risk assessments shall be recorded and reviewed on a regular basis. The risk assessments shall cover:
General risk assessments on premises, equipment, and workstations.
Activity based risk assessments, on all training activities.
Manual handling assessments on all lifting and handling associated tasks.
COSHH assessments on all chemicals used throughout the business.
Fire risk assessments.
Individual risk assessments for any staff member of student who needs adaptions making to enable them to carry out the course or their employment.
This risk assessment will ensure that significant risks arising from our work activities under our control are eliminated or adequately controlled.
UHA University will develop and implement appropriate occupational health and safety procedures, and safe working protocols.
We have included health and safety as a responsibility for all managers, trainers and assessors.
All staff will be required to read and sign to say they have understood this policy statement; the signed form will be kept in their staff personnel file. Students will be referred to a copy of our policy at registration, and as with all our policies they will be available on our website and facebook page.
UHA University will review its Health and Safety Policy every two years. The following opportunities are taken to invite feedback from staff, clients and students:
· Recruitment and Selection
· Initial Assessment
· Induction
· Assessment and Planning
· Learner Reviews
· Internal Verification
· External Verification
· Examinations
· Exit Interviews
This feedback will be included in the annual review of our policies.
This policy was approved by: (UHA University) (20-11-2024)
Review Due (24 months from approval).