Academic Integrity Policy
Academic Integrity Policy
The purpose of this policy is to promote academic integrity and ensure that all students at the University of High Ambition understand and adhere to the highest standards of academic honesty. This policy outlines the expectations, responsibilities, and consequences related to academic misconduct.
This policy applies to all students enrolled in associate, undergraduate, postgraduate, and professional development programs at the University of High Ambition.
• Honesty: Students must be truthful and honest in all academic work and interactions.
• Fairness: All academic work should be conducted fairly, without cheating or plagiarism.
• Responsibility: Students are responsible for their own work and for upholding the standards of academic integrity.
Definitions of Academic Misconduct
Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following behaviors:
• Plagiarism: Using someone else’s work, ideas, or words without proper attribution. This includes copying and pasting text from the internet, books, or other sources without citation.
• Cheating: Using unauthorized materials, information, or devices in any academic exercise. This includes copying from another student’s work, using cheat sheets, or obtaining exam questions in advance.
• Fabrication: Falsifying or inventing any information, data, or citation in an academic exercise.
• Collusion: Working with others on an assignment intended to be completed individually.
• Multiple Submissions: Submitting the same or substantially similar work for credit in more than one course without the permission of all instructors involved.
• Misrepresentation: Misleading instructors or other university officials about academic work. This includes lying about reasons for absences or extensions.
• Students:
o Understand and adhere to the principles of academic integrity.
o Complete all academic work honestly and independently, unless collaboration is explicitly permitted.
o Seek clarification from instructors if unsure about what constitutes academic misconduct.
• Instructors:
o Clearly communicate expectations for academic integrity and provide guidance on proper citation and collaboration.
o Monitor and report any suspected cases of academic misconduct.
• University:
o Provide resources and support to help students understand and uphold academic integrity.
o Investigate and address all reported cases of academic misconduct fairly and consistently.
Procedures for Handling Academic Misconduct
1. Reporting:
Any suspected case of academic misconduct should be reported to the instructor or the Academic Integrity Committee.
2. Investigation:
The Academic Integrity Committee will investigate the reported case, gathering evidence and speaking with involved parties.
3. Decision:
The committee will determine whether academic misconduct occurred and decide on appropriate consequences.
4. Appeal:
Students have the right to appeal the committee’s decision. Appeals must be submitted in writing within 14 days of the decision.
Consequences of Academic Misconduct
Consequences for academic misconduct may vary depending on the severity and nature of the offense. Possible consequences include:
• Warning: A formal warning may be issued for minor or first-time offenses.
• Grade Penalty: The student’s grade for the assignment or course may be reduced.
• Resubmission: The student may be required to redo the assignment or complete an alternative assignment.
• Probation: The student may be placed on academic probation.
• Suspension or Dismissal: For severe or repeated offenses, the student may be suspended or dismissed from the university.
Education and Prevention
• Workshops: The university will offer workshops on academic integrity, proper citation practices, and avoiding plagiarism.
• Resources: Students will have access to resources such as writing centers, online tutorials, and academic advisors to support their understanding and practice of academic integrity.
Review of Policy
This policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure it remains up-to-date and relevant. Any changes to the policy will be communicated to students and staff and published on the university website.
Contact Information
For any queries related to academic integrity, please contact the Academic Integrity Committee at: