Assessment and Examination Policy

Assessment and Examination Policy

Assessment and Examination Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide clear guidelines and procedures for the assessment and examination of students at the University of High Ambition. This policy ensures that assessments are conducted fairly, consistently, and transparently.

This policy applies to all students enrolled in associate, undergraduate, postgraduate, and professional development programs at the University of High Ambition.


  • Fairness: All assessments and examinations will be conducted in a fair and unbiased manner.

  • Transparency: Assessment criteria and procedures will be clearly communicated to all students.

  • Academic Integrity: Students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity in all assessments and examinations.

Types of Assessment

  • Formative Assessment: These are ongoing assessments designed to provide feedback to students and help them improve their learning. Examples include quizzes, assignments, and class participation.

  • Summative Assessment: These are assessments that contribute to the final grade for a course. Examples include final exams, major projects, and term papers.

Assessment Criteria

  • Assessment criteria will be clearly outlined in the course syllabus provided at the beginning of each term.

  • Criteria will include the weighting of different assessment components, grading rubrics, and expectations for each assignment.

Examination Procedures

  1. Scheduling: Examination schedules will be published at least four weeks before the examination period.

  2. Attendance: Students must attend all scheduled examinations. In cases of illness or other valid reasons, students must notify the examination office as soon as possible and provide supporting documentation.

  3. Conduct: Students must adhere to the examination rules and regulations, which will be communicated before the examination period. Any form of cheating or misconduct will be dealt with according to the university's academic integrity policy.

  4. Special Accommodations: Students requiring special accommodations for examinations must contact the Student Services Office at least two weeks before the examination period.

Submission of Assignments

  1. Deadlines: All assignments must be submitted by the specified deadlines. Late submissions will be subject to penalties as outlined in the course syllabus.

  2. Format: Assignments must be submitted in the format specified by the instructor, which may include electronic or hard copy submission.

  3. Originality: All assignments must be the original work of the student. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will be dealt with according to the university's academic integrity policy.

Grading and Feedback

  • Grading: Instructors will grade assessments based on the criteria outlined in the course syllabus. Grades will be posted within a reasonable timeframe.

  • Feedback: Instructors will provide constructive feedback on assessments to help students improve their performance. Feedback will be provided in a timely manner.

Appeals and Reassessments

  1. Appeals: Students who wish to appeal a grade must submit a formal appeal in writing to the Examination Office within 14 days of receiving the grade. The appeal must include a detailed explanation of the grounds for the appeal.

  2. Reassessments: In cases where a reassessment is granted, the student will be notified of the procedures and any associated fees.

Record Keeping

  • Confidentiality: All assessment records will be kept confidential and only accessible to authorized personnel.

  • Retention: Assessment records will be retained for a minimum of five years.

Review of Policy
This policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure it remains up-to-date and relevant. Any changes to the policy will be communicated to students and staff and published on the university website.

Contact Information
For any queries related to assessments and examinations, please contact the Examination Office at: