Department of Graduate Studies
The Department of Graduate Studies at UHA's School of Economics and Political Science is a leading academic platform that integrates economics, political science, international relations, and diplomacy to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to understand the complexities of the contemporary world. The department offers master's and doctoral programs that focus on global economic and political issues, such as governance, public policy, international trade, and sustainable development
The department is characterized by comprehensive educational methodologies based on distance education according to the American credit hour system, which allows great flexibility for students from different parts of the world. The department is supervised by international experts who combine theory and practice, enabling students to have a deep understanding of the dynamics of economics and politics and their relationship to global stability
The department focuses on preparing graduates capable of assuming leadership roles in the fields of diplomacy, international organizations, major economic institutions, and academia, while enhancing their ability to analyze global problems and provide innovative strategic solutions that contribute to building a sustainable future