Risk Management and Security Policies

Risk Management and Security Policies

0 طالب

مادة نظرية

بدأت في 2024-12-26

عن المقرر

القسم: College of Information Technology

التخصص: Master in cyber security and web systems

الفصل الدراسي: الفصل الثاني


This course aims to introduce students to the concepts of risk management in the field of cybersecurity and how to identify and assess potential risks. The course covers the development of security policies and the implementation of strategies to mitigate risks to digital systems. It includes topics related to security analysis, risk prioritization, and the formulation of response and incident containment strategies


Additional Information

Category:   مادة نظرية

Language:   English Language

Number of Lessons:   0 Lesson

Number of Students:   0 Student

Level:   المستوى الاول